German Day 2024

German Day 2024

On July 16, 2024, Dr GSK celebrated German Day, showcasing the cultural and linguistic richness of Germany. The event was graced by the guests Mr. Prabhakar Narayanan, Deputy Director and Language Head of Goethe Institute Chennai, and Mr. Balaji Venkataraman, Project Manager of Educational Services at Goethe Institute Chennai.

Students performed vibrant dances, and Mr.Narayanan emphasized the importance of learning the German language in today's globalized world. Mr. Venkataraman shared insights on Goethe Institute's programs and resources for German language learning. The event also featured the participation of our alumni, Mr.Srimanikandan, and Ms Jayalalshmi, who shared their experiences.

They highlighted that learning German enhances students' prospects for higher education and career opportunities abroad. In addition, It also provides access to world-class education, cultural experiences, and professional growth, making it a worthwhile investment for aspiring students.